Last updated on August 22nd, 2017

Well , Voiceboard in its name has the term “voice” in it which means that there must be something related with voice feature of this product. But what the product is exactly ? ?

Voiceboard is the world’s first voice controlled as well as gesture control enabled application which will help you in making your presentation more alive with ease. Have you ever encountered yourself to hold a presentation before audience ? ? Then you must know that you come across many factors like not being nervous , being interactive and at last make your presentation touch your audiences heart. You need a great effort to do that , and you may or may not come out as a successful presenter.

Voice Commands Can Stun Your Audience
Voice Commands Can Stun Your Audience

Voiceboard can make things easier with its voice and gesture technology and take your presentations to a whole new level. This product will help one make presentations more natural and interactive. As the company Lionsharp Inc states its product to create a bond between audience , presenter and technology.

It is very easy to use because you just need to connect your microphone and gesture ring via bluetooth , wear them and start voiceboard .


What Else Voiceboard offers ? ?

It can be said that it is a multi-facilated device which one may use for presenting for different purposes including business, teaching and other creative works.

It has an option to let you import PowerPoint files and along with that it gives you the freedom to stay technologically connected . Here is the list of those attractive features :


Visual Support : That’s Next Generational for sure !

Voiceboard enables you to make users feel like listenting to your future level presentation. Are you thinking how it might be ? ? …Have you seen any tech blast film which uses future technology like hovering screens and operating your systems with voice commands ? ? Then get ready to experience that here .

Voiceboard enables you to control your presentation by your gestures and voice commands . 


Control with your gestures
Control with your gestures


Gesture Control Can Switch Your Presentation Effectively
Gesture Control Can Switch Your Presentation Effectively

So what do you think about this device ? ? Will it work out for you ? Let us know in the comments section below.



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