google chrome

Last updated on October 8th, 2017

Most of the PC users as well as Android users use Google Chrome as their default browser. And, it performs better on PCs, than on the Android devices. However, users encounter lags when running Google chrome on their Android device. And that’s not a small figure, most of the users encounter lag on their Google chrome someday or other on PC/Android device.

For PC users there are a common set of problems while using Google Chrome. It generally starts late or sometimes due to numerous tabs, it crashes!

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There are various users around the world trying to reset the browser hoping to make it faster. But, that doesn’t seem to help. If you have encountered lag or crashes on your Chrome browser, then you must have tried clearing the cache or performing a complete reset. The sad news is, your ship is never going to sail!

And, there’s good news too. Google Chrome has some secret settings which were only known to the developers and later known to the users who desperately research on the web about it, just like you end up here to read those speed tricks.

So, without taking much of your time, let’s start with the procedures which you can follow to speed up Google chrome on your PC/Android device.

You can get all the little effective tweaks by entering a url (chrome://flags) at the omnibox or which you generally call as the address bar. Well, you should also know what the url is meant for:

What is chrome://flags ?

It is a URL that allows you to try new features in Chrome while they are being tested or in the beta phase. Well, they are meant for developers use only, because of some extraordinary experimental features which a normal user shouldn’t mess with.

However, some of the options work great which indeed improves the browser’s performance. Let us take a peek on those options for you to try it out.

*Note: We strongly advice not to alter any other settings not mentioned in this article. And, the following methods being experimental features, we are not responsible if something goes wrong.

#1 Improving the Performance

You may have observed in the task manager, that the processes take certain amount of memory to function properly. To be frank, if you allow them more memory than they usually require, then the applications will perform smooth as never before. You won’t get a smoother experience if you were already experiencing smooth performance. But, if the application lagged and crashed more often, the issue may be resolved after this one little tweak.

Just press Ctrl+F on your keyboard and search for “maximum tiles for interest area“. Alternatively, you can simply scroll down and look for the option. However, I advice you to use the shortcut key and search for the option you want, without wasting your time.

Now, you will be at this screen as shown below: (click on the image for bigger view)

google chrome

After getting the option highlighted in orange & yellow combination, you will find the value set as default. So, now you have to click on the drop-down arrow and select 512. This increases the RAM allowed to Google Chrome, which possibly increases the smoothness of its functioning. 

#2 Improve Image Rendering Speed

google chrome

By the same search method, search for “number of raster threads” and you’ll find the value to be default at present. Now, Click on the drop-down arrowhead and set it to 4. This will possibly increase the speed at which an image normally loads up. So, the image will no longer load slow, except under extreme poor Internet connectivity.

#3 Improve Page Loading Speed

Don’t relaunch the chrome browser until you are done with all the options. Don’t worry if you have already, it’s not a problem. Now, to improve the page loading speed you have to search for “Enable SPDY“.

google chrome

And, now you’ll have to click on the “Enable” key, and you should observe the key now turning into “Disable“.

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#4 Enable Experimental Canvas Feature

When you search for this option and enable it. It will boost the browsers performance.

canvas fetaures

#5 Improve the Touch Response

If you have a touchscreen enabled device, including PCs and smartphone. Enabling this option will improve touch response if you were having trouble with the browser before. Just search for “enable touch events” If you were not encountering any touch response problem while using Google Chrome, then you’ll hardly observe any improvement by enabling the option.

google chrome


Hope that helps! Let us know in the comments section about your thoughts on the same or you can suggest new topic for us to cover and help you.


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