micromax mysterious phone featured

Last updated on August 18th, 2017

Well, recently we came to know that, Micromax became the 10th largest mobile brand in the World. And, becoming the 10th largest brand fast, like in the movie “Real Steel” (which you may have seen), where Atom ,who came out of the junkyard won the World Robot Boxing Championship. We might see Micromax as the top mobile manufacturer of the world. Well, that’s just some inspirational words for the company, but who knows?

Here comes the responsibility of keeping the 10th place occupied and heading to acquire the higher positions. So, we think the phone it recently teased about, may depict the worth of its position. I am not sure about it, but the pictures posted on Twitter by Micromax Mobile says it all.

18 hours ago, it shared the first picture (check it out below), where it shows the right side of the mysterious smartphone with descriptive text included.

Micromax mysterious phone

So, what we make out of this text is:

– Heart of Steel ( A Powerful Processor , may be)

– Body of Glass ( Well, may not be the whole body, may have a layered line or just fine finish )

Soul of A Warrior ( Must be A Powerful Smartphone )

About 2 hours ago, it teased another picture showing more of it:

Micromax mysterious phone

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