Last updated on August 18th, 2017

We all know that the fictional region called “Kyrat” has been mentioned in the upcoming game: Far Cry 4 . But do you know that it has been derived from the real name “Kirat”?

In the reveal trailer, I noticed the Hindi name has been spelt incorrectly:


It should have been spelt as “किरात बॉर्डर” for “Kirat Border”.

I researched on the name and found the following information:

1. The Kirāta (Sanskrit: किरात) is a generic term in Sanskrit literature for people who lived in the mountains, particularly in the Himalayas and North-East India and who are postulated to have been Mongoloid in origin.

2. Kirata Kingdom in Sanskrit literature and Hindu mythology refers to any kingdom of the Kirata people, who were dwellers mostly in the Himalayas (mostly eastern Himalaya).

3. Presently the Kirat or Kirati or Kiranti or Kirant people are indigenous ethnic groups of the Himalayas (mid-hills) extending eastward from Nepal into India, Burma and beyond.

4. Kirat Chuli or Tent Peak is a mountain in the Himalayas. It lies on the border between Nepal and India.The first ascent to the summit was made by Ernst Grob, Herbert Paidar, and Ludwig Schmaderer in 1939.

I updated the Far Cry wiki immediately which has been accepted:

So we see, “Kirat” is for real 🙂 ! This sounds really exciting 🙂 !



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Avimanyu Bandyopadhyay
In love with computers since 1995 :) . I grew up in different parts of India with a special liking for Rajasthan. Music and technology are two things which I am very fond of. and I love to always be ahead and steady in life with an eagerness to keep learning. Singing,hardcore gaming, pencil sketching, technology research,blogging and listening to music albums of various genres are some of my favorite hobbies.I am a passionate biker as well and currently am pursuing M.Tech in Computer Science after working as a Linux/Windows System Administrator for 2 years.


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