Last updated on August 18th, 2017
What is the location and format of the competitions?
The tournament will be organised across various gaming cafes in Mumbai beginning from 7th June. There will be four different qualifiers on the basis of which the finalists will be chosen. Refer this image below to have a clear idea about the location and dates of various qualifiers:
What are the terms and conditions?
All visitors & participants must read the below rules very carefully & attend the event only if they agreed to abide them.
1. All the teams have to register online before marking their presence at any venue.
2. Top teams will qualify from every venue for each game for finale.
3. Qualified teams / team players can’t play from any other team, if found both the teams will be disqualified from the tournament and hence the 3rd place team will be given slot at the finale.
4. All the Qualified teams have to wear their ID cards and T-shirts provided by the organizing committee / officials. Teams are not allowed to wear team jerseys at the finale.
5. All the teams are requested to be present at the venue at 9.00 a.m. IST. Limited slots will be provided due to time constraints on first come first serve basis.
6. All the participants are responsible themselves for their personal belongings like gears, laptops, computers, camera, mobile, wallet, bags etc. under no circumstances organizers, sponsors or any personnel is liable or responsible for any theft or loss.
7. At any game tournament we would like to ensure that the delay in the tournament schedule will be kept at a minimum or maybe no delay at all. Any carelessness by teams and/or players that results in delay will not be tolerated. In case of any delay in tournament completion, the organizing committee is not responsible for any refund / accommodation.
The following rules will therefore be applied to all games and matches played at XGL:
a. All matches must start no later than 10 minutes after the announced starting time.
b. The game admins has to be informed if your team needs additional time before starting a match. The game admins decides whether the reason provided is valid and if your team can get any postponement. Any delays that are not agreed to by the admins are regarded as illegal and can be punished.
c. The game admins will make use of the following sanctions if any team violates 1 and 2:
· If only one player is missing on any team, irrelevant of the team’s disadvantage, the admins may force a game start.
· If a team is short by more than one player at the server, admins may force a forfeit loss.
· The match will be decided by coin toss if both teams are missing more than one player.
· Missing players can join the match at any time with standard start money. No pause is allowed while waiting for the player to connect to the server.
· In games like CS GO if all players don’t join the server / or don’t go live even after joining server in a maximum of 10 minutes the match will be forfeited and the winner will be decided by coin toss.
We are running zero tolerance policy, which means:
1. Verbally abusive attendees will be punished severely, so do use your empathy and logic thought prior to verbally attacking other participants.
2. Any threatening, provocative and/or abuse behavior will result in an immediate dismissal. In serious cases police will be contacted if deemed necessary.
3. Clearly intoxicated people acting recklessly will be turned out from the event, if deemed necessary.
4. At all times all instructions from the admins and crew must be followed.
5. At all times we comply with Indian law.
6. Organizers /sponsors can not in any way be held responsible for any kind of content or activities from partners, sponsors, media and any other organization.
1. Alcohol and drugs in any form do not belong and are not allowed to be taken onto XGL premises. Intoxicated and/or in any other form of affected people will not be let onto the premises. People found intoxicated and/or on drugs will be shown off the premises. Smoking is strictly forbidden indoors.
2. XGL has no minimum age requirement; participants under the age of 18 should have their parent’s permission to attend XGL. Guardian shall be aware of XGL Terms and Conditions.
3. Posting posters or any other spreading of commercial material, propaganda or anything similar is strictly forbidden on XGL ‘premises’ without special clearance from Organizing committee.
4. The organizing committee retains the legal right to place cameras for publishing and also publish photo’s taken inside and outside venue on the Internet without asking further permission from participants that may be visible in the picture.