android wallpapers

Last updated on March 21st, 2015

Have you ever wondered how this name came by ?  Most of the Android users do not know this well. So, in this article you will be knowing its reason and some relevant history related to it. Well, we will investigate the matter for all our Android fans. Let’s start with the detective behavior, always check for the past records or history which gives clues to the modernized or improvised concepts.

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Investigating The Origin

The meaning of the term Android is “A robot with a human appearance”.
It’s mostly something automated which is a humanoid clone to us. It is designed to look and act like a human.

 Let’s travel to the era of 1900s. Remember the Star Wars film? Well, the film used a term “droid”, which was intelligently used and popularized by the American film director George Lucas.

Star Wars was obviously a big hit and the people couldn’t take out the “droid” term from their mind.
Also the word “Android” which had made it’s existence along with the term “robot” and “cyborg” was used in yet another blockbuster series. That’s Star Trek : The Original Series, one of the episodes used the term “Android”.

It doesn’t end here, also it was used in the “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, novel written by Philip K. Dick where he used it as an pejorative abbreviation “Andy”. And lastly, to mention Total Recall 2070 TV series.

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Gotcha! Andy!

So, we got the initial spark. Now, we can continue the investigation to get the main fact. Well, Android fans, Will you prefer heading to the Apple Inc. ? It will be like an Alien Invasion if we the Android fans do that. So, leave that to me. I found a bunch of people in the manufacturing engineers section.

One of them was Andy Rubin ( Founder of Android Inc ), he was called as an Android lover by his friends due to his interest in the robotics sector, also his name was “Andy” which we mentioned earlier being a pejorative. He worked there from 1989 to 1992.
Then he changed his places going through MSN TV, Danger Inc and finally to create Android.

Obviously now you could plot the data’s and say why it got the name “Android”. It’s because of Andy Rubin !

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