At WWDC Apple previewed iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite .

We now give you the list of 5 best features which can change an iPhone user’s daily life.

1. Battery Usage indicator :

Oh ! My battery is dying!! It’s a common complaint of every iPhone user in this world . So in iOS 8, Apple has added a good battery usage notification from which a user can know for which app battery is getting wasted and can help maximize battery backup-time .

2. 3rd Party Keyboard :

Hell yeah! Now Apple is giving chance to developers to plant the seeds on their garden by providing their keyboard.
This time iOS 8 has a new keyboard which is very good .
And this keyboard works very well due to the popular “Swift” programming language developed by Apple Inc.

3. Continuity :

The continuity concept has been implemented very well by introducing Handoff feature which allows you to start a task in one device and finish it in other ( if you have multiple Apple devices like Mac,iPad,iPhone) the devices are always aware of each other so one task started on an iPhone(for example) can be finished on the Mac.

4. Interactive Notifications :

Worried about a message while doing a task on your phone?? Don’t worry iOS 8 provides you support with that. Whenever a message comes while performing a task so just simply pulldown the notification and it provides you the space in the notification area itself to reply to that message and now you can continue with your important work or continue playing Candy Crush .

5. Siri just got up to a new level :

Now lookout for what you say Siri’s listening everytime even your phone is in dormant state .
You can wake up your iPhone by saying, ” Hey! Siri! “. This feature was first absorbed by Android developers.


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