LEO Privacy Guard

Last updated on September 17th, 2016

[pro_ad_display_adzone id=”14849″ popup=”1″ cookie=”1″ delay=”10″]Last Update: 8 January, 2016

The biggest concern for the present smartphone users – “Privacy”. Well, there are loads of apps in the Google Play Store to protect user’s privacy, but only a few of them stand out in providing real privacy.

So, now we’ve thought of reviewing the most popular app dedicated to privacy and security for Android users, i.e – LEO Privacy Guard.

  • Package Size

This is the best I’ve seen so far. Leo Privacy Guard is very compact in size (i.e 3.7 MB). Well, it’s the lightest privacy/security app for Android we’ve ever reviewed. It’s not just the package size that’s worth appreciating, but the app comes with a variety of features which makes it even more interesting.

After installing the app, it took around 11 MB of total space.

  • Features

LEO Privacy Guard app lockers

Here’s the list of features that the app comes with:

– Applock
– Privacy Protection for media files, SMS and Call logs
– App Management (Uninstall/Backup/Restore)
– Data Usage Control
– Break-in Alert
– Anti-theft

We’ve excluded the “Shortcuts” feature from our list because, in order to use the feature, you need to download it separately from the Play Store. So, it’s an add-on, not an inbuilt feature with 3.7 MB package.

It offers lock screen covers to fool others who try accessing the apps/files without user’s consent. All the covers work very well and are responsive. Here’re some screenshots describing what they do:

1. Beauty Cover:

leo privacy guard

2. Fingerprint Cover:

leo privacy guard

3. Error Cover:

leo privacy guard

4. Unknown Number Call Cover:

leo privacy guard

  • User Interface

LEO Privacy Guard app lockers


After the major update the User Interface is different. And, is even more beautiful. It blends well with the material design approach, but doesn’t support transparent status bar. We could see that support added soon.

The UI is sleek, fast, responsive and yet stunning. UI couldn’t be better. But, we never know what the developers might be planning for the future.

  • Privacy

It’s a well-designed app which provides a very good level of privacy protection. But, there still remains a drawback (not just this, but all major privacy protection apps for Android). The problem is as described below:

When we open up an app, it shows us the Leo Privacy Guard lock screen. And, we feel that our information/data is completely protected. But, a glimpse of the information is still visible in the background. If we look at the recent app section, the front page of any app is visible even if the app is protected by Leo Privacy Guard. Here’s a screenshot for better understanding:

leo privacy guard
Facebook app is being protected by Leo Privacy Guard. But, still information is accessible.

We’re sure that the developers of this application would figure out a way to resolve the problem first!

  • Performance

The app consumes around 22-44 MB of RAM. It’s resource-friendly considering the number of features it supports. It is way smoother after the recent major update.

Overall, no crashes/bugs were observed during our review.

Final Verdict

This is the best privacy guard an Android user can opt for (excluding the annoying Advertisement banners). It is compact, clean and packed with lots of useful features. You don’t need separate apps to protect your apps/files. It’s just the right app for complete privacy protection.


User Interface
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Ankush Das
A tech aficionado, blogging for over a decade, endeavoring to bring you the most useful information in the tech space. Also find me on: Mastodon
review-of-leo-privacy-guard-for-androidClean, compact and a useful app to protect your apps/files. Must try it out!


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