
Last updated on August 22nd, 2017

Some major organizations including EFF have come forward to sign an open letter to the government of Turkey. The open letter is meant to act as a protest against the restrictions on the Internet for the citizens of Turkey and a lot more critical digital restrictions.

The Internet Law of Turkey is a serious violation of “freedom of expression” digitally. The law limits the access to online content. And, in some cases, contents were removed after a notice.

However, there’s a significant increase in both bans and restrictions in the use of Internet. For instance, recently Turkey blocked access to social media and YouTube, Telegraph reported. Although, the access was later unblocked, but Turkey is especially known to create a lot of buzz by restricting access to online content for a variety of reasons in the past decade.

So, the open letter aims (as mentioned in the open letter):

To request the cessation of online censorship of independent news organizations and citizen journalists. We demand authorities refrain from imposing limitations on access to the Internet or specific online services and remind the government of its duty to protect the right of people in Turkey to freely seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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