After the spectacularly disastrous launch of Assassin’s Creed Unity, it would be a relief for hard core fans of Ubisoft to know that the release date of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie has been set by 20th century Fox as 21st December, 2016. Yes, I say ‘relief’ and not ‘disappointed’.
The movie product has been plagued by postponements and development issues. Initially, the movie was set out to be released with Sony but it is now being co-produced by New Regency. The writers have been changed and the script has been re written a number of times. It’s a surprise that the project has not fallen through.
Michael Fassbender will be playing the role of the protagonist and will also be co producing the movie. Rumors are that the movie will be set during the Spanish inquisition although not has yet been confirmed. We will keep you updated on this.

Fans, however, should feel relieved to know that Ubisoft are taking their own sweet time with the movie. The number of re writes the script has been through is a real concern though. Ubisoft needs to be careful, because the fans will not forgive Ubisoft if another broken product comes out if its doors.
We will keep you updated as we gather more on this story. Subscribe to our newsletter the get all the latest tech and gaming news while its hot!!!
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