Windows 10

After a lot of confusion about the free upgrades of Windows 10, now it is clear that Microsoft is trying it’s best to make WINDOWS-10 piracy-free. Earlier, Windows head Terry Myerson, announced in a press conference that

“There will be a free upgrade of Windows 10 to every one. Even, who are currently running a pirated copy can avail the update”

[ See More about the earlier announcements: windows-10-will-be-free-from-piracy-terry-merson ]

After so much confusion, finally Microsoft revealed that there will be no free upgrades for the Pirates. They just have to pay for the upgrade or keep using the pirated version. Although, those running licensed version of Windows 7 and later can avail the free upgrade of Windows 10. That’s painful – for the pirates.

But it doesn’t mean that Microsoft is giving up on pirates. As, it also revealed that there will be attractive offers at low costs for the upgrade to Windows 10. According to Microsoft, pirates are the potential customers and giving them a nice offer will force them to have a licensed version. Well, specific details haven’t been announced yet, regarding the offer to lure the pirates, but once it is out in the market everyone will know. While talking about the release date, there is no official announcement yet but there are speculations that it might be released in Summer.

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