After iOS 10.3.3, Apple announced the iOS 11 at WWDC 2017.

iOS 11 is surely a major update. Here, we have listed all of the things that you need to know about the new iOS 11.

  • Your messages (on iMessage) would be directly synchronized with iCloud. So, you can access all of your conversations across a range of devices.
  • While you utilize the iMessage app, you get the ability to launch other applications right from the bottom for faster access. 
  • You get a new user interface for iMessages.
  • Apple’s Siri comes with significant updates. Siri’s voice has a natural touch with variations for a single word. It is now capable of providing multiple relevant results with a redesigned user interface. Also, Siri can also help you translate through voice outputs. If you observe carefully, there’s a new logo representation for the new Siri! 
    apple siri
  • A redesigned control center with buttons separated and merged onto a single page to make things easier with 3D Touch capabilities to explore more options.
    ios 11
  • You can seamlessly make a transition to the widgets screen from the lock screen directly. 
  • Photos app comes with more editing options and interesting effects for live photos. Also, a cool live exposure effect.
  • Apple pay now gives you the ability for person-to-person money transfer!
  • Apple’s Map now gives you lane guidance and speed limit notifications while you navigate using it.
  • iOS 11 comes with a brand new Apple Store with a set of new tabs (Today, Games, App, etc.)
    app store

There are several other updates which include ARKit with significant changes to how AR works on iPhone now. Pokemon GO looks even better (more real!).

Was iOS 11 an interesting update? If not, what more did you expect? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.


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