Last updated on August 18th, 2017
“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of her little children”
Mother is the most beautiful creation of GOD. She bears so much pain just to bring you to the world, with a smile. She looks after you, teaches you to walk on your feet. After you came to this world, only you and you became her world. She sacrifices all her happiness to make you happy and fulfill your needs. When you first go to the school. She makes you strong and teaches you to be strong. She sleeps late, after you are only asleep. She wakes up in the early morning, hours before you rise, just to make breakfast for her child. She sacrifices a lot for you, makes excuses for you if you are in trouble, loves you for who you are. She never ever asks for anything, even after your rude behaviour, she comes up with a smile and loves her child. She protects you from the bad and teaches you to stand up in bad times. She never says NO to your wish, even knowing how much trouble will it cause to her. She fights for you and stands by your side always against the world, just to see you happy.
Then a day comes when you move away from her, for your studies, job or business. Then again, she stands by you with a smile. She calls you several times a day to check if you are alright. She always asks about your day, and ultimately you shout upon her and tell her not to call.
Again when you need her in your bad times, she comes up and stands by you forgetting all those rude behavior of yours. This is MOTHER, she always adores you with her heart. That mother too feels low sometimes and needs you to take care of her.
So, this mother’s day gift her something special which will take care of her or will make her schedule easier in your absence.
1. A key finder: Being a mother, she has to deal with a lot of keys around the clock and hence, has a hard time remembering them. So this little thing will attach in the key ring and will tell where the key is placed.
2. Portable Charger: While taking care of all the small (you) and big kids (Father) she forgets to take care of her cell phone and sometimes it runs out of juice and everybody gets panicked.
3. Amazon Kindle: When you ask her always to cook something tasty she pushes herself hard to come up with a healthy and tasty dish for you. Kindle can be the place where she can find come healthy yet tasty recipes for everyone.
4. Wireless headset: Being a mother, she has to deal with a lot of calls. This wireless enhancement will let her talk seamlessly while doing her household work.
5. A Camera: A mother always wants to capture beautiful moments with her family and keeps it safe so that she can see them when she misses her family or when becomes alone.
And yes a cake with the gift you’re giving will make her even happier and she’ll feel very special to have you. Only Mother’s day is not the day you should take care of her… it’s an every day thing. Love you MOTHER..!!