facebook hacked by Lizard Squad

Last updated on August 22nd, 2017

You may have already heard or experienced Facebook being offline for nearly 1 hour. Instagram, which also the Facebook owns was down simultaneously. The both being mentioned have millions of active users, and all were flashed with errors on their screen for about 1 hour when they tried to access it.

Well, this happened at 6 am GMT so you might have seen other updates regarding the same. But we bring out some more secrets to your eyes.

Does this end here ? ? No ! MySpace, Tinder, AIM were too down at the same time. This leads to think of an event which caused it. Cyber attack ? ?

According to the official feedback by Mark Zuckerberg for this condition, he said that it was due to a change in system configurations which caused technical error. Do you think the same ? ? At first, we too thought being the statement to be true. But as we went deep down to other rumors and buzz about the “Lizard Squad” being responsible for that, we investigated further.

The Lizard Squad is a black hat hacking group with 7 active members according to Wikipedia. They are responsible for the DDoS attacks on various networks.

League of Legends, Destiny gaming servers were taken down. The PlayStation network and Xbox Live were also taken down by them. And recently they took down the Malaysia Airlines official site.

These defamed achievements prove them to be also potential to take down the giant Social media platforms. So, we just searched for the Lizard Squad on the social media sites and we found this :

1This is the tweet from one of the official Lizard squad twitter accounts, because the other accounts were suspended. They claimed the responsibility for the downtime with Facebook, Myspace, Instagram and others. So it may be said as the above Social media sites were hacked. But Mark Zuckerberg’s social media sites have denied it was a cyber attack.

This may also lead to the access of all personal information to the Lizard Squad. But that is a very dangerous thought till there are any official announcements from Facebook, MySpace and others.

Stay tuned with us for any official updates regarding the news.

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