These days Microsoft is full of surprises. During the “Windows 10 Preview release” the announcement was made that, there will be a fully revamped web browser for Windows 10. Back then, everyone knew how hard it is to browse from Internet explorer. A special team with the project’s code, “Project Spartan” was initiated to reconstruct a new browser for Windows. So, here is that new browser called “Edge”.
The all new logo:
Well talking about the logo, it looks like Spartan team was so attached with the logo of Internet Explorer that the new logo for Edge browser is just a little modification of its predecessor. People have wished for a completely new web browser with a new catchy logo. But it looks like they have to make do with it. Talking about the name of the browser “Edge” that also seems a bit old-school. But, one should also consider this- “Never forget your sins“.
i) More than just the same old logo: Edge browser has some jaw dropping features like “Cortana-Support”. The personal assistant Cortana is integrated with the web browser, in case you need assistance. All those old scripts like Microsoft’s ActiveX, VB-Script, Browsers-Helper-Objects (BHOS) and many other third-party toolbars that were built for IE11 will not be supported by the new “Edge-Browser” because all those scripts were a risk to the security and also slow down the browsing experience. When tested with “Google Canary” benchmarking software, the results were astonishing, as it was twice as fast as Internet Explorer 11.
- Now you can mark up any note using the digital ink markup feature
- Reading View is finally out for the desktop based browser
- You can store files for later reading in a sidebar
- While reading translate the foreign language in real time using the Bing Translator
- Make your own note even with the PDF files rendered in your browser
- One of the most anticipated features is the support for “extensions” like Adobe Flash player and PDF
ii) Speedier and Quality browsing
With the new Edge Browser, you’ll feel the difference where it took a while to load pages on the Internet Explore 11, Edge browser loads the page in a blink of an eye. Finally, Microsoft decided to throw away all the old compatibility which has been baggage onboard for a long time to the different versions of IE. Those old compatibilities were the main reason why IE crippled to load a page properly.
In the conference it was announced that, “the test with the 64-bit version of the latest browser, it was twice as fast as the predecessor, IE and it beats all the latest 64-bit build of Chrome and Firefox in speed of loading the page”.
iii) Supports to Extensions, finally
At least, Microsoft finally decided to support the 3rd-party extensions like Adobe Flash player, JavaScript etc, in its latest build of the browser. Reportedly, the latest release of the Edge Browser will be supporting a few selective extensions. The full support for the extensions is expected to come by the end of the year.
iv) Microsoft Claims it to be the most personal browser:
Microsoft’s personal assistant Cortana is deeply integrated inside the browser to give you a more “human-touch” results to your search. Bing will be helping Cortana finding the best result and even you can ask Cortana to convert a foreign language web page to your desired language, all thanks to Bing Translate. Well, Microsoft revealed that Cortana will give you more relevant results according to your browsing style. So, Cortana is just not a simple voice assistant, it is a personal AI, embedded with your browser.
v) Enhanced Reading View:
With the new Edge browser reading experience will be better.
The newly borned Edge Browser, from the “Project Spartan” has redefined the reading view. Now you can mark up and highlight and make a note direct into the browser and can save it on Edge Browser for later reading. So, finally the most popular OS has finally released a standard browser. Let’s see If it became as popular as the OS.
Developers other than “Project Spartan” members are also helping to re-write some extensions, plugins and scripts exclusively for the latest Edge Browser. Initially, many developers have shown a great interest in Project Spartan. A lot of extensions and plugins are in beta phase and many others are under construction. The release of the Edge browser will be made with the extensions and Plugins which will be stable working for the browser. Then further supports and enhancements will be made and updates will be released accordingly.
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