Tried MGS V: Ground Zeroes yet? No? Then what are you waiting for? Go get it now and enjoy your Christmas!!! The game was just recently out for PC, i.e. on 18th of December. Being a next-gen game, the way it has been optimized is simply superb!
In order to know exactly, how the game looks like on PC, we are going to take the help of E7500 Gamers. Below is a gameplay video made by the gaming channel. Please check it out and you will feel like wanting this game.

That’s just a statement made by Snake, the protagonist of MGS V storyline. You know actually there is a reason for which I included this dialogue in the article itself. We’ve seen some next-gen games this year like Watch_Dogs, AC Unity, COD Advanced Warfare, etc. and to be frank, most of those games disappointed us by their level of ‘optimization’. But this game, MGs V: Ground Zeroes, has been so perfectly optimized that even systems having dual-core systems are able to run the game at ‘ultra’ settings. The above video is an evidence of that and Snake’s dialogue (“Kept you waiting huh?”), clearly passes a message to all the gamers that this is the perfectly-optimized next-gen game that they were waiting for.
The graphics of the game may not be so great but you will be in love with it mainly due to its gameplay and performance because those two are the main factors that decide whether a game is good or bad. In fact, that’s what Kartik, founder of E7500 Gamers, says in the video itself. A month ago, I wrote an article that may interest you. It was somewhat related to optimization of next-gen games. You may check it out:
E7500 Gamers: Could this be the end of Dual-Core Processors for Gaming?
So, what do you think about MGS V: Ground Zeroes? Please feel free to share your opinion below:
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