Last updated on August 18th, 2017
Many scientific studies have been done regarding the effects of music on plants. The simple answer is that past studies have suggested hard rock or heavy metal music seems to have a detrimental effect on plant growth.
There is a well-known study from the early 1970s, conducted by Dorothy Retallack at the Colorado Woman’s College in Denver using the college’s three Biotronic Control Chambers. In one series of studies, the tone of F sound was played daily for three hours a day, intermittently in one laboratory, it was played for eight hours a day, constantly, and the control group had no sound introduced. Those plants where the F tone was played intermittingly for 3 hours a day grew twice as large and were twice as healthy as those in a sound-free environmentBest free mp3 music downloader for Android.
However, plants in the laboratory where the tone of Fconstantly for 8 hours daily died within two weeks of the experiment’s beginning. Dorothy used a growing chamber, a variety of plant species (but the same in each chamber) and made sure the volume was consistent for all forms of music. Different types of music were then utilized in her following experiments. She tried acid rock music by Led Zeppelin, Vanilla Fudge, and Hendrix. It was played to one group of plants and semi-pop music (of the 1970’s) to another. The “acid rock music” plants were sickly and small compared to the control group of “semi popular” music (now termed soft rock). The other genres of music she experimented with: were classical music (Debussy), jazz (she use Louis Armstrong among others), and Indian (Ravi Shankar). The plants grew large and healthy, with the plants actually growing towards the radio for each of these three forms of music, just like they bend towards sunlight. Dorothy also experimented with country music (such as Jonny Cash) and found they neither grew toward or away from the speakers and seemed neutral. While Dorothy did have a personal bias and by the end of her research she believed plants could feel and were capable of ESP. She felt perhaps it was the lyrics that the plants didn’t like with the acid rock music. It seems the plants like all types of music, except hard, pounding rhythms, but prefer stringed instruments the most. They also didn’t like a constant tone played for 8 hours per day, but how many of us do! Effective experiments need to involve the following factors, which Dorothy tried to maintain, but failed to measure the water and soil moisture with an accurate device:the same plant types across the different conditions a variety of species across the different condition’s music volume would need to be maintained at a consistent levelstrict controls on all other external factors, e.g. light, warmth, etc consistency of human interaction across the different conditions. Ready to feel the joy? Enjoy music of your choice as there are many best free mp3 music downloading apps for free music downloads.