
Last updated on August 12th, 2017

Now, each and every facility is becoming available online. So, are directories. And, recently India being the country having great potential but get severely affected because the students (youth) don’t get what they want. Personally, a student should get to know about the best colleges in India and it could help him/her to choose a better future.

Also, most of the online users are showing their support towards the Digital India campaign. However, digital India not only refers to country-wide internet connectivity but also every single institute should have an online presence which would make things ‘digital’ or ‘online’ for real. So, encountering a college search engine for India was a good find for me. Well, you can definitely refer this web portal as a college search engine.

And, ””, the web portal can help students to find top colleges and institutes in India.

Let’s have a look at Collegedunia’s features:


The site design being user-friendly, with proper filter options, where you can find colleges in India according to stream, region, fees, course duration and other options is great. For example, you can go around searching for medical colleges in delhi ncr or even a particular college like AIIMS Delhi. This doesn’t end here, the colleges have been ranked by verified users rating. So, without consulting anyone in your neighborhood you can choose the right one quick and easily. It’s like a mini wikipedia for colleges in India (like you can look About AIIMS from Wikipedia, however, users can change the information which may be incorrect, but collegedunia gives an accurate recently updated information about the colleges)

It includes each and every information of the colleges (including fees, courses offered, facilities available, accreditation status and faculty details). In general, you had to visit every college to verify details, but it’ll be a lot easier when using Collegedunia.


Not just colleges, you can also get information about almost every popular entrance examinations in India. A student can also browse colleges by course type.

This college search engine would definitely help in the growing digital age of India. What do you think?


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