Assasins Creed Unity
Assasins Creed Unity

Last updated on September 25th, 2014

Ubisoft has been overflowing with trailer releases this week; following Far Cry 4’s “Elephants” trailer, a new co op gameplay trailer has been released for Assassin’s Creed: Unity.

As with all Ubisoft’s trailers, it looks awesome. The trailer shows multiple assassins working together and fighting off guards. It also clearly shows that players will have a varied selection of play-styles to choose from; you can see in the trailer that while one assassin is wielding a heavy weapon and going full offensive, the other assassin is opting a much stealthier approach. Other details could also be seen in the trailer such as, you can revive your friends when they are down, you will have a variety of weapons (or classes) to choose from and there will be a lot of customization available skill wise, arsenal wise and appearance wise. The graphics look amazing as well.



This trailer will surely pump up the already high hype level. Assassin’s creed: Unity is already being paraded as ‘the best AC game till date.’ By the looks of the trailer, the game seems like it will live up to the hype. We, at Tech Legends, wish the team of Assassin’s Creed: Unity, the very best.

Assassin’s Creed: Unity releases on November 13th 2014 for the PS4, Xbox One and the PC.

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