If you are an Android Lollipop user then no doubt you must be acquainted with the term- “Material Design”. A rather more intuitive way of interacting with your touch-screen, Material Design offers you a more responsive and fluid approach to access content on your phone. We are talking about next-gen dynamics implemented to make applications more user-friendly. What if these features were implemented to enhance our web-browsing experience? Those days are coming soon, as Google just unveiled ‘Material Design Lite’ for web-developers to redefine the build of websites using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript and hence, improve the user-experience. Let’s see how this project by the Mountain View giant has the potential to change the fate of web-browsing:


Responsive web-design is not a new term anymore. There are many ‘responsive websites’ out there but with Material Design Lite developers can create and design far more interactive websites for users all thanks to the Paper Elements built with the Google web framework called Polymer. Paper elements are just a collection of visual elements that implement the Material Design. So, you’ll be able to interact with materialistic sidebars, widgets, buttons that match your intuitive movements.




Most of the times, we end up missing relevant details while browsing through topics across various websites. Why does that happen? Because those elements are not presented or highlighted properly to the user. With the help of material design each and every element can be showcased in such a way that not only does the user stay in track with all the important details but also he/she finds the content more engaging. Now, the question is how? The image below showcases material design implemented to enrich a text-heavy webpage. Mark the header and top menu bar highlighted in appropriate colors. You may also find a search bar indicated by a magnifying glass that has been further en-circulated in pink background. Then you may find two rectangular boxes highlighting ‘Features’ and ‘Details’ in the body of the page. This all implies that the navigation and content accessibility have been greatly optimized to match the intuitions of the user.



Website owners can too benefit a lot from Material Design to get live updates and stats on their redefined dashboards displaying precise details in a highly efficient way. The image below can provide you a glimpse of how a website dashboard looks with Material Design juiced up.


To be frank, this is nothing but a smart initiative taken by Google, so that more number of people will be motivated to purchase Android Lollipop devices, which consists of Windows and iOS users as well.


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